23 Sep 2016, Fri 7:00pm - 11:00pm24 Sep 2016, Sat 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Residencies studios, Blocks 37 & 38 Malan RoadResidencies: OPEN offers a rare insight into the often introverted sphere of the artists’ studio. Through showcasing discussions,…
Place.Labour.Capital., published by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore) and Mousse Publishing, connects cultural production and artistic research to broader political and social concerns, engaging readers with contemporary…
Wang has been working on an on-going project on Hong Kong. The project that began in 2012 is an examination of Hong Kong's cultural anxiety and crisis through a set of cinematic explorations of the city's space. In Singapore while in the residency,…
The Making of an Institution captures different moments in the development of the NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore) connecting artistic projects, discursive manifestations, and the institutional apparatus in a seamless…