11 Mar 2016, Fri 6:00pm - 7:30pm Samsui women migrated from Southern China to Singapore in the early decades of the twentieth century to toil mainly as construction workers. They were easily recognised through their distinctive red headscarves, black…
29 Feb 2016, Mon - 4 Mar 2016, Fri 2016 10:00am - 6:00pm
Seminar Room, Block 43 Malan Road
This week-long workshop on curating by Visiting Professor Regina (Maria) Möller will focus on printed media as an example for “space” for creative and…
In this lecture Regina Möller will introduce her label embodiment and draw attention to her selective use of materials and textiles to (re)write stories. In 1994 Möller founded the label embodiment under which she designs art works as prototypes,…
Place.Labour.Capital., published by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore) and Mousse Publishing, connects cultural production and artistic research to broader political and social concerns, engaging readers with contemporary…
“Patterns – cloth and textiles as text in Southeast Asia – imbedding cultural interrelations and the question of identities” in times of global sameness, is Regina (Maria) Möller‘s research focus. Möller’s research in The Lab stems from her interest…