22 Jan 2016, Fri 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Studios, Blocks 37 & 38 Malan RoadResidencies: OPEN offers a rare insight into the often introverted sphere of the artists’ studio. Through showcasing discussions, performances, research and works-in-progress,…
25 Sep 2015, Fri 9.00 – 10.00pm Exterior of Block 37 Malan Road anGie seah (Singapore) will present Part 1 of A Thousand Horses Running in my Head (2015), a mash up of bass droning, poetic gestures and erratic voice-works combined with everyday…
22 Jan 2016, Fri 7:00pm - 11:00pm Residencies: OPEN as part of Art After Dark and Singapore Art Week 2016 Residencies: OPEN offers a rare insight into the often introverted sphere of the artists’ studio. Through showcasing discussions, performances,…
Free Jazz III. Sound. Walks.Singapore’s Dragon Kiln is one of the few remaining brick-built kilns in Asia. When there is no firing, it is left empty and unused. seah’s aim is to investigate the materiality of clay by re-purposing the dragon kiln as a…
Free Jazz III. Sound. Walks. offers the curatorial proposition that collectivity and communality can be explored through art experiences that draw on the long histories of sound and walking, offering concrete ways to connect with nature, technology,…
24 Jun 2017, Sat 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
The Seminar Room, Block 43 Malan Road
Organised for children aged 7 to 12, the idea of “Wunder” serves as a starting point. By exploring some of the diverse cultures within and around Singapore, the artist and the…
25 Sep 2015, Fri 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Block 37 Malan Road, Studios
This edition of Residencies OPEN will highlight NTU CCA Singapore’s Artists-in-Residence who focus on performance in their practices. The performances will take place outside Block 37…
19 Jan 2015, Mon 6:30pm - 8:00pmNTU CCA Singapore will hold a presentation session to launch the Artist Resource Platform and inaugurate its public programmes. The presentation session will follow a “Pecha Kucha” format and feature local artists…
Collaborative and experimental by nature, Free Jazz III builds upon its past iterations by activating and challenging common understandings of exhibition-making and the use of space. Sound walks. Machines listen. We are living through unusual…
Place.Labour.Capital., published by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore) and Mousse Publishing, connects cultural production and artistic research to broader political and social concerns, engaging readers with contemporary…