Expanding his ongoing enquiry into material infrastructures, Ben Loong will spend his residency investigating the history of brick trade in Singapore and mapping out the networks underpinning the employment of this material in the local architectural…
Thao-Nguyen Phan will expand her research on the introduction of the Latin alphabet as a writing system in Vietnam, exploring how the same transition occurred in other Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the…
Svay Sareth’s works in sculpture, installation and durational performance are made using materials and processes intentionally associated with war – metals, uniforms, camouflage and actions requiring great endurance. While his critical and cathartic…
In the last decade, the artistic practice of Susie Wong unfurled as a prolonged reflection on the nature of memory and the symbolic layers embedded in different modes of representation. During her six-month residency, she is intent on examining the…
During his residency, Phoumivong will continue to experiment with stop-motion animation, working on a project entitled The Emotion. The 10-minute video installation, produced using locally sourced clay, is an experiment in time and texture. The work…
During her residency, siren eun young jung will research the politics of gender in the Singapore social context while considering a significant transition in her artistic development towards what she defines “Another Asian aesthetics.”
Everything begins from small steps. That was the first thing that came through History of Merchant, a solo exhibition of Husein’s work in 2012. A small-intimate approach to his family journeys, from Hadramaut, in Middle East to South East in…
Furthering his own interests into the histories and properties of materials, during the residency Richard Streitmatter-Tran plans to engage with an active studio practice and to experiment with both animate and inanimate materials from Southeast Asia…
Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor’s artistic practice spans diverse media including film, photography, painting, performance, and site-specific projects. Through their works, they confront the traumatic legacy of Communism in their native Romania and…
Since 2014, Min Thein Sung has been collecting historical, sociological, and material data for the project Mr Tailor had a dream last night: a soft-sculpture installation made of raw linen fabrics that recreates a small tailor shop, a space for…