Speculative Lecture: Becoming Post-Human by Professor Ute Meta Bauer

Dublin Core


Speculative Lecture: Becoming Post-Human by Professor Ute Meta Bauer


Situating the post-humanist position between artificial intelligence and forces of nature, in this lecture Professor Bauer suggests that the current debate about future scenarios, reflecting economic and ecological circumstances of the present, is not about humanity in itself. Rather, Prof Bauer locates the source of tension to be within the pervasiveness of an anthropocentric perspective and action that dominates much of human life. Following the lecture, Prof Bauer will be joined by Sophie Goltz for more in-depth discussions.

Becoming Post-Human responds to the current research presentation in the Lab, Vapour Islands: to live and die well together in a thick present*. The presentation quotes the seminal text by Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (2016), which has been read as a response to the rising sense of alarm surrounding ecological discourses on the Anthropocene, the current geological epoch named for the defining influence of human activity on the Earth’s ecosystems.







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Speculative Lecture: Becoming Post-Human by Professor Ute Meta Bauer

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“Speculative Lecture: Becoming Post-Human by Professor Ute Meta Bauer,” NTU CCA Singapore Digital Archive, accessed January 25, 2025, https://ntuccasingapore.omeka.net/items/show/3154.

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