Tan Pin Pin

Dublin Core


Tan Pin Pin


Tan Pin Pin is a documentary filmmaker who captures underrepresented narratives, gaps, and silences in her country’s history in thoughtful and self-reflexive ways.


Contributor Item Type Metadata

First Name

Pin Pin

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Years Affiliated


Birth Date





Film Director

Biographical Text

Tan Pin Pin is a Singapore filmmaker who questions gaps in history, memory, and processes of documentation. Self-reflective in their addressing of the complexities of the filmic medium, her films include: Moving House (2001), Singapore GaGa (2005), Invisible City (2007), To Singapore with Love (2013), and In Time To Come (2017). They have been shown at numerous international film festivals around the world and have won multiple awards. She had retrospectives at RIDM Montreal, DOK Leipzig. She was the executive producer of award-winning Unteachable (2019). She is a co-founding member of filmcommunitysg, a community of independent filmmakers and was a board member of the Singapore International Film Festival, The Substation and the National Archives of Singapore. She was awarded the S. Rajaratnam scholarship to study for an MFA at Northwestern University, USA. She was awarded the S. Rajaratnam scholarship to study for an MFA at Northwestern University, USA, and was called to the Singapore Bar upon completion of her law degree from Oxford University.

During her residency at NTU CCA Singapore between May and September 2016, Tan was working on her five-year project In Time to Come (2017), a contemplative film on daily rituals in Singapore, from school ceremonies to opening protocol in a bookstore, in which constant repetition provides a sense of frozen time in a city that always looks forward.

Country of Practice

Public Resource Centre Affiliation

Contributor Type


20161005_Residencies Insights-In Conversation_Tan Pin Pin and Dr Hong Lysa_14.jpg



“Tan Pin Pin,” NTU CCA Singapore Digital Archive, accessed February 8, 2025, https://ntuccasingapore.omeka.net/items/show/695.

Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2018
This Item Is Part Of Item: Conference: “There is no such thing as documentary
This Item References Item: Tan Pin Pin