Marc Glöde

Dublin Core


Marc Glöde


Marc Glöde is an independent curator, critic, film scholar, and an Assistant Professor at School of Art, Design, and Media at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). 

Research Focus

Residency period: 25 February – 26 May 2016

Dr Marc Glöde's work is informed by his interest in questions concerning images and image politics, as well as the correspondences between different artistic disciplines or cultural positions. For his research at NTU CCA Singapore he will specifically address the dynamics of the relation between images and the development of urban ideas and architecture – on the impact of images on a critical reflection of urbanism.
By re-visiting the landmark project “Cities on the Move” almost 20 years after its occurrence, one of the key questions will be how this exhibition/debate has left its imprint on the discussion in Asia and how the situation has developed since then. From there Dr Glöde's research will dig deeper into the impact of artists, filmmakers, and curators on the discussion. Dr Glöde's research will be accompanied by a combination of workshops, film screenings, and discussions with artists and architects from the region.



Contributor Item Type Metadata

First Name


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Years Affiliated



Nanyang Technological University




Film Scholar

Biographical Text

Dr Marc Glöde is a curator, critic and film scholar. He is currently an Assistant Professor, School of Art, Design and Media, NTU, Singapore and Co-Director of the Master of Arts in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices. He received his PhD at The Free University Berlin (FU Berlin). He taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, FU Berlin, Academy of Fine Arts Berlin, and as Assistant Professor at the ETH Zürich. He curated the exhibition “STILL/MOVING/STILL – The History of Slide Projection in the Arts” at Knokke, Belgium. He was a senior curator of Art Film, Art Basel’s film program from 2008 – 2014. He was co-editor of Umwidmungen (2005), Synästhesie-Effekte (2011) and his writings are widely published. He was previously a Visting Research Fellow at NTU CCA Singapore from 25 February to 26 May 2016. Dr Glöde is a regular contributor to NTU CCA Singapore’s programmes.

Country of Practice

Public Resource Centre Affiliation


Dr Marc Glöde Photo.tiff



“Marc Glöde,” NTU CCA Singapore Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025,

Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: In Conversation: Dr Marc Glöde (Germany/Singapore), Assistant Professor, School of Art, Design and Media, NTU, and Ben Slater (U.K./Singapore), Senior Lecturer, NTU ADM
This Item Is Part Of Item: Conference: “There is no such thing as documentary
This Item Is Part Of Item: In Conversation: Speaking/Thinking Nearby by Dr Marc Glöde, Assistant Professor, NTU ADM, and Dr Ella Raidel, Assistant Professor, NTU ADM and WKWSCI
This Item Is Part Of Item: Talk: Resonating Structures - Siah Armajani's Film Works and other Artists Films
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screenings: The Mad Masters, Jean Rouch, France, and Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti, Maya Deren, Ukraine/United States
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screening Series: Unruly Shadows: Artist Films and Videos on Challenging Spheres
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screening: Beijing Taxi by Miao Wang (China). Selected by Dr Marc Glöde (Germany/Singapore), former Visiting Research Fellow, School of Art, Design and Media, NTU, and NTU CCA Singapore
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screening: Three Sisters by Wang Bing (China). Selected by Dr Marc Glöde (Germany/Singapore), Assistant Professor, School of Art, Design and Media, NTU
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screening: A State in A State by Tekla Aslanishvili
This Item Is Part Of Item: Workshop for Teachers and Educators led by Kelly Reedy (United States/Singapore) and with introductions by Sissel Tolaas (Norway/Germany), Marc Glöde (Germany/Singapore), Laura Miotto (Italy/Singapore), and Khim Ong (Singapore)
This Item Is Part Of Item: Conversations with Professor Ute Meta Bauer (Germany/Singapore), Founding Director, NTU CCA Singapore, and contributors of Incomplete Urbanism
This Item Is Part Of Item:

In Conversation: The Cities Move On with Dr Marc Glöde, Visiting Scholar, NTU ADM/CCA Singapore; and Dr David Teh, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore

This Item Is Part Of Item: Screenings: Meet me in the City – Journeys through Singapore in film classics. Selected by Dr Marc Glöde, Visiting Scholar NTU ADM/CCA Singapore
This Item Is Part Of Item: Screening:Rosa Barba, Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage