External Collaborations
NTU CCA Singapore’s external collaborations augment the reach of the Centre’s work, bringing contemporary art closer to communities and forging partnerships with diverse entities.
SEA AiR - Studio Residencies for Southeast Asian Artists in the European Union
SEA AiR is a new programme that aims to foster artistic exchange between Southeast Asia and the European Union, with Singapore as its hub. Developed by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore), the project is funded by the European Union and it offers emerging Southeast Asian artists a long-term engagement comprising a three-month residency in a EU country and the opportunity to create new works, inspired by the residency experience, that will be presented to the public in Singapore in a group exhibition curated by NTU CCA Singapore. Dedicated to artists who have not yet had a significant professional experience in Europe, SEA AiR pivots the creative and cultural exchange between Southeast Asia and the European Union on emerging visual art practitioners by providing a significant platform for professional and personal growth through the format of artistic residencies and a curated group exhibition. The residencies will be hosted by established contemporary art institutions that have been engaged as project partners.
This programme is funded by the European Union.