Yeo Siew Hua

Dublin Core


Yeo Siew Hua


Deepening a long-standing involvement with the migrant experience, prominently manifested in the feature film A Land Imagined (2018), Yeo Siew Hua will use the residency to address the subject with the tools of cartography and music-making. Thinking in terms of borders and boundaries, either physical and symbolic, the artist intends to map out the lived experience of forced mobility and dispossession as well as its underlying power struggles and emotional trails. His research will revolve specifically on migrant songs, a cultural expression often characterized by melancholic melodies and sombre lyrics that speaks of longing, hard work, and perseverance. Conveying the experience of otherness and stirring emotions of communality, migrant songs haunts our times of unprecedented global mass migration and the contemporary debates surrounding exclusionary nationalist politics. Through participatory workshops aimed at lyric writing, music composition, and vocalisation, migrant songs will be created and disseminated in an effort to redraw boundaries of belonging.


4 October 2021 - 31 March 2022




Residency Item Type Metadata

Short Description

Deepening a long-standing involvement with the migrant experience, prominently manifested in the feature film A Land Imagined (2018), Yeo Siew Hua will use the residency to address the subject with the tools of cartography and music-making.


Onsite (CCA)



Commissioned Work



Studio of Artist-in-Residence Yeo Siew Hua, October 2021 - March 2022, NTU CCA Singapore.
Artist-in-Residence Yeo Siew Hua, October 2021 - March 2022, NTU CCA Singapore.
Artist-in-Residence Yeo Siew Hua, October 2021 - March 2022, NTU CCA Singapore.



“Yeo Siew Hua,” NTU CCA Singapore Digital Archive, accessed February 18, 2025,

Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Residencies AiRCAST Episode #3: Yeo Siew Hua
This Item Is Part Of Item: Residencies OPEN x SAW
This Item Is Part Of Item: On AiR with Yeo Siew Hua
This Item Is Part Of Item: Yeo Siew Hua: Excerpt from The Once and Future, 2021
Item: Yeo Siew Hua References This Item