Stories & Food of Semakau: Firdaus Sani/Oranglaut.SG
Dublin Core
Stories & Food of Semakau: Firdaus Sani/Oranglaut.SG
Sunday, 19 February 2023
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: West Coast Park
This workshop shares the impacts of relocation; from the southern islands to mainland Singapore and the aftermath that still threatens the livelihoods and traditions of active Orang Laut/Pulau community members. It explores food through Orang Laut/Pulau values and traditions that have shaped (and still shape) a more sustainable way of life. With a visit to West Coast Park, where a small Orang Laut/Pulau community still thrives, this session questions Singapore’s progress as a young nation, asking if there is space for indigenous cultures and traditions to stay alive here. The session highlights some ways young individuals in Singapore can contribute to salvaging a lesser-known tradition. It also speaks of heritage and culture through a shared meal. Firdaus shares a tangible aspect of his family’s heritage—its cuisine that reflects a life on the island that is no longer accessible. The food is lovingly cooked by Pulau Semakau islanders who have learnt their ancestors’ original cooking methods and recipes.
Sunday, 19 February 2023
10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: West Coast Park
This workshop shares the impacts of relocation; from the southern islands to mainland Singapore and the aftermath that still threatens the livelihoods and traditions of active Orang Laut/Pulau community members. It explores food through Orang Laut/Pulau values and traditions that have shaped (and still shape) a more sustainable way of life. With a visit to West Coast Park, where a small Orang Laut/Pulau community still thrives, this session questions Singapore’s progress as a young nation, asking if there is space for indigenous cultures and traditions to stay alive here. The session highlights some ways young individuals in Singapore can contribute to salvaging a lesser-known tradition. It also speaks of heritage and culture through a shared meal. Firdaus shares a tangible aspect of his family’s heritage—its cuisine that reflects a life on the island that is no longer accessible. The food is lovingly cooked by Pulau Semakau islanders who have learnt their ancestors’ original cooking methods and recipes.
Programme Item Type Metadata
Short Description
This workshop shares the impacts of relocation; from the southern islands to mainland Singapore and the aftermath that still threatens the livelihoods and traditions of active Orang Laut/Pulau community members.
Programme Type
Commissioned Work
“Stories & Food of Semakau: Firdaus Sani/Oranglaut.SG,” NTU CCA Singapore Digital Archive, accessed February 9, 2025,
Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 Exhibitions |
Item: Firdaus Sani | Is Part Of | This Item |